Institute of Theatre Studies


M.A. David Castillo

Project Collaboration / Doctoral Student

Büro 193, 1. Stock
Postal Address
Universität Bern
Institut für Theaterwissenschaft
Mittelstrasse 43
3012 Bern

Research Focus

  • Social Dance Media
  • Social Choreography / Expanded Choreography
  • Dance aesthetics and practices in the South Pacific
  • Decolonial Studies
  • Global Studies
  • Blue Humanities

David Castillo holds a B.A. and M.A. in Dance Studies from the University of Bern. During his studies, he worked with the directors René Pollesch and Stefan Pucher, as well as the choreographers Alexandra Bachzetsis and Patrick Lander at Schauspielhaus Zürich. From 2019 to 2021, he was assistant director at Staatstheater Braunschweig, where he realized research-based performances. Since 2021, his artistic work can be seen at Lichthof Theater Hamburg, Rote Fabrik Zürich, Staatstheater Braunschweig, Schauspielhaus Zürich and Theater im Burgbachkeller Zug. Since November 2024, David has been working on his dissertation in the SNF project Social Choreographies, which deals with the bodily experience of climate change in choreographies of the South Pacific.

Castillo, D.; Rothenburger, N.; Thurner, C.; Waterhouse, E. u. Wehren, J.: Auto_Bio_Grafie als Performance. Bibliografie zu Autobiografie im Tanz/in der Tanzgeschichte. Bern 2024.

Castillo, D.: Social Dance Media and the Global North. Re-defining the ‘World’ that Re:Rosas! invited to dance. In: Hilari, Johanna u. Leon, Anna (Hg.): Choreography+. The limits of expanded choreography. Bern 2024 [i.E.].

Castillo, D.: Social Dance Media. Die Kollektivierung von Autorschaft und Körperwissen in Re:Rosas! Bern 2025 [i.E.]